Mid-IR Optoelectronics: ​Materials and Devices XVII

July 13-17, 2025

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Photograph of the TU Wien main building

TU Wien Main Building

Photograph of St. Stephens Cathedral Vienna

St. Stephen's Cathedral

Photograph of Vienna State Opera

Vienna State Opera

Plenary Speaker

Prof. Dr. ir. Geert Van Steenberge
Optical Microsystems, Center for Microsystems Technology (CMST), Ghent University

Organizing Committee

Aaron Maxwell Andrews

Benedikt Schwarz

Gottfried Strasser

Karl Unterrainer

Bernhard Lendl


  • Materials Development, Growth, and Characterization for Infrared Optoelectronics​
  • Interband and Intersubband Infrared Materials and Devices including Quantum and Interband Cascade Lasers​
  • Infrared Emitters and Detectors​
  • Novel Architectures Based on New Materials and Low-Dimensional Structures​
  • Non-Linear Mid-IR Technologies​
  • Mid-Infrared Photonic Integrated Circuits​
  • Plasmonics and Other Mid-Infrared Metamaterials​
  • Topological Insulators with Mid-IR Functionality​
  • Mid-IR Quantum Optics and IR Frequency Combs​
  • Applications of Mid-IR Optoelectronic Devices: Chemical Sensing, Thermal Imaging, and Other Applications of Mid-Infrared Optoelectronic Devices​
  • Mid-IR Optical Fibers​
  • Mid-IR Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices Poster Session​
  • Materials and Devices for THz Technologies​


Page updated: 2024-08-23